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SIGs, cross-referenced by category

International SIG icon - indicates a SIG that accepts international members

Espermenso International SIG icon
Email info, contacts, and discussion in or about Esperanto, the easy-to-learn worldwide language of peace, friendship, and hope, with millions of speakers and thousands of clubs in over a hundred countries all over the world. Unlike national languages, Esperanto is politically neutral, has relatively few rules of grammar, and no exceptions. Released in 1887 as a result of deliberate planning, it's developed a living culture, like other natural languages, and a thriving literature, both original and translated from many sources. -- Contact , (Richard Ekstrom). Put ESM: at the beginning of the subject line.

Grammar Police International SIG icon
Observe and preserve American English usage--past, present, and future! Compare to other forms of English as well as to other languages. Bring dictionaries and style books, although they won't have the final word. No dues, no NL.

M-Spanish International SIG icon
M-Spanish is an international SIG for members of Mensa. The goal is to exchange ideas on any topic, in a friendly manner, by using the Spanish language.