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A message from the Acting Executive Director

  • Nov 21, 2017
  • Trevor Mitchell

Trevor MitchellLet me begin by expressing my gratitude to the American Mensa Committee for instilling its trust in me to lead the staff and work with the guidance of the AMC during this transition period for the organization.

Transition can be a time of unrest or confusion. But while the AMC is working through its due diligence, it's my focus to keep American Mensa moving forward on the path the AMC has already set. My priorities during this time are:

  1. Gather and share information with the AMC, members, and staff to successfully carry out the AMC strategy.
  2. Maintain staff morale and productivity.
  3. Establish steps to continue forward momentum.

During my time with Mensa, I have observed the passion and ownership members have for the organization. Mensa is not simply something to which you pay dues but rather a larger presence that is comfortably integrated into your lives. In my experience working with nonprofit/not-for-profit organizations, I've never witnessed anything like it. We must focus to ensure that passion and desire is leveraged for the organization's long-term success, as it has been done in the past.

To do so, it's imperative to me that I listen to what you're saying. We need to understand what members ask of their organization, what Local Group officers need to be successful, and how we can provide value to members through programs and services. There will be many ideas out there, requiring prioritization to accomplish them successfully. It will allow us, as an organization, to be transparent in our decisions and actions and to set the right expectations for members.

Of course, there are many other things that the organization can be and are focused on, such as membership growth and experience, effective governance, positive public image, and financial health. With the efforts I’ve outlined above, we will begin to see positive gains in each of these areas. I fully anticipate that we may make some mistakes and will have some great successes. We plan to learn from each and make American Mensa a stronger organization for the members of Mensa.

I look forward to working with the AMC, membership, and staff to accomplish the strategy that has been set forward. If there is something you want to share directly, please feel free to contact me. Thanks for your vested interest in making this transition and Mensa successful for everyone.

Trevor S Mitchell, MBA, CAE
Acting Executive Director
American Mensa