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Don't leave money on the table

As we wind down the 2016-17 renewal campaign, now's the perfect time to reach out and encourage your local group's lapsed members to renew with Mensa — all while getting paid for your efforts.

To help offset the cost of supplemental retention materials, the National Office allocates reimbursement funds (50 cents for each lapsed member contacted, up to the total number of current year lapsed members) for LGs that distribute additional renewal communications. Together, we've already achieved a record retention year, but with some added help and a personal nudge, we can do better still.


Included in June's Month-End — sent to Local Secretaries, Membership Officers and Editors — is an extra set of mailing labels for any print communications your LG plans to send to recently lapsed members. We provide labels so the LocSec, (or designee) can send correspondence encouraging lapsed members to renew, and so that newsletter editors can forward additional copies of your newsletter as added encouragement. And with tools like the Local Group Dashboard, extracting data for targeted emails is a snap.

How to request reimbursement

To receive reimbursement for your local group's retention efforts, email the Local Groups Coordinator with the amount of lapsed members contacted and a sample of your retention communication. (If you contact members by phone, please indicate this.) The deadline to request reimbursement is August 1.

If you have any questions, or to request reimbursement for lapsed member retention funding, email the Local Groups Coordinator or call 888-294-8035 ext. 5524.