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Fuentes, Veronica
Senior Processor of Finance, Membership & Events

Veronica Fuentes headshot

Veronica is the point person for all data entry into the membership database: dues renewals, life membership processing, new member information, Personal Data Questionnaire information, national events, brochure requests, and address changes.

She proofs electronic data changes and transactions to ensure that correctly formatted information enters the membership database. On an average non-renewal-season day, Veronica processes more than 100 member data changes from the web, more than 100 direct requests for testing information, 50 Mensa Practice Test requests, 50 PDQ updates, 50 renewals, 30 address corrections from the U.S. Postal Service, 20 event transactions, and 20 customer service emails. She also handles event registrations with Ashlee Davis.

She came to Mensa as a temporary data entry assistant during the 2014 renewal season and shortly afterward earned a permanent position on staff.
 (817) 607-0060 ext. 5517