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Leadership workshops help our groups

Many organizations say, “Our people are our most important asset.” But within American Mensa, this is an absolutely undeniable fact. When we develop our volunteer leaders, it is important to motivate and educate them so they will stick with us and, perhaps, be inspired to take on more responsibility.

What is leadership development? It can be as simple as empowering a new member to host a local event, or as detail-oriented as updating a group's bylaws, or as intensive as holding a national office — and it includes everything in between. So American Mensa has encouraged its most effective volunteer leaders to develop a catalog of leadership development workshops from which each group can select what is most meaningful to their members at any given time. Do you have challenges to be overcome? Backs to be patted? Growth to be nurtured? Tips to be implemented? Information to be heard? We've got workshops for that.

Ideally, every region will hold at least one leadership event each year. These events usually take place over the course of one day, are generally informal but with tons of relevant content, and are usually free to participants. Email the Leadership Committee Chair for more information on American Mensa's leadership workshops.

Learn about planning a leadership event
Check the events calendar for upcoming workshops