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Michael Eager, Regional Vice Chair 8

Michael Eager headshot

I’ve been a Mensa member since 1977 and have been active in San Francisco Regional Mensa since then. As LocSec and in the other offices I’ve held, I’ve helped SFRM to be one of the most active groups in American Mensa, with an extensive calendar, outstanding newsletter, enjoyable regional gatherings, and engaged membership.

Personally, I was born in New York, grew up in Ohio, lived in England and Germany, and worked in Chicago before moving west. I graduated from Ohio University with Honors in Psychology (although I was a Computer Science and Linguistics major). I’m fluent in German, speak Spanish, and studied Russian. I’m retired, live with my Mensa partner, Susan Heimlich, and two cats, Mischief and Munchkin. I’ve held talks about the history of chocolate and conducted chocolate tastings at many RGs and AGs. I enjoy cooking, travel, photography, and woodworking.

In many ways, I see my self as a problem solver. I like helping people and coming up with solutions to problems. My approach to almost all issues is as a rationalist: I look for evidence and understanding and try to formulate a solution. Then see if the solution works and, if not, reassess and try again.